
segelbootOur sai­ling boat “Quintessens”: the fifth ele­ment – the essen­ti­al – the core of the matter


You want to get sett­led in your new role and to posi­ti­on yourself?

You reco­gni­ze your chal­lenges and want to proac­tively address them, deve­lop your poten­ti­al and take the right steps?

You have taken new know­ledge and impul­ses from a trai­ning and want to inte­gra­te them into your dai­ly practice?

You are loo­king for new care­er steps or want to imple­ment your ide­as and visi­on for your (pro­fes­sio­nal) life?

You expe­ri­ence bar­riers in your life and want to get cla­ri­ty around them and know how you can hand­le them?


You would like to for­mu­la­te your ide­as in con­cre­te goals and tack­le them effec­tively with the inner atti­tu­de that fits you?


Then coa­ching is a good method for you. Coaching is sup­port by con­s­truc­ti­ve feed­back, a goal-oriented approach, sin­ce­re reflec­tion of beha­viou­ral and thought pat­terns, empower­ment to dis­co­ver new per­spec­ti­ves and ways. As a coach I am a spar­ring part­ner, a com­pa­n­ion and a moti­va­tor for posi­ti­ve and future-oriented chan­ges. I accom­pa­ny pro­fes­sio­nals, assistants as well as mana­gers, with their development/change quests. These can be issues they encoun­ter in their pro­fes­sio­nal roles, or personal(ity) issues they wish to explo­re. Often the­se things go hand in hand. I see mys­elf as an “instru­ment” for my coa­ching cli­ents, with whom they can expe­ri­ence, dis­co­ver, learn, grow and trans­form them­sel­ves. And … howe­ver good we are … there’s always more to dis­co­ver and opti­mi­ze: Let’s find the quint­essens for and in ourselves.


Manner, place, dura­ti­on and costs

  • Coaching ses­si­ons take place in a per­so­nal mee­ting, by tele­pho­ne or via Skype. I coach cli­ents all over the world. Coaching by means of modern com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tools was part of my education.
  • A coa­ching ses­si­on lasts 60 to 90 minu­tes. This will be attu­n­ed to indi­vi­du­al wis­hes and needs.
  • I work with two pri­cing models: for com­pa­nies and for pri­va­te cli­ents. The fee will be dis­cus­sed during the preli­mi­na­ry session.

I’m a mem­ber of ICF, International Coach Federation, and work accor­ding to the ICF Code of Ethics and ICF Core Competencies.